Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So close I can smell it!!!

Written 11/5/08

I awoke late last night to the rain pounding on the roof of my house out on the farm. I went to bed for a couple more hours and awaking again to the rain. At Fazenda Rondonia the rain did not stop for probably 4 hours. What this means is that planting is right around the corner, and I am really excited.

We still have a little work to do on the tractor and planter. The tractor needs a couple of tires, and the planter only needs a couple of seed unit parts and a new vaccum. We will have to calibrate the planter before we really get going. Eric our agronomist really wants to try some no-till beans this year due to the way last year corn ground looks after a light disc hits it. Talking with Dino today about this, he is concerned about getting the seed into the ground. Dino has never seen no-till beans before I think, because he asked me if we ever do it this way. I replied that my farm doesn't do it, however there are a lot of farms doing it this way now. He shook his head in agreement. Dino really cares about his farm, one day he wanted to know how we did things back in the states that would help his farm, and vice versa.

All the discing is done, and only a few more fields need fertilizer. We are sitting in really good shape to hit the ground running once this rain decides to stick around. Were thinking in about two days we can start planting corn. Once corn is taken care of, we will move to soybeans. I hope to be done with Rondonia in 15 days once we start.

Signing off........

- (an excited) Hrubes

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