Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hurry up and.............wait

Written: 11/12/08

Well today we were up early in hopes of getting in the field with a tractor that will work flawlessly. In hopes of putting in a full day of planting corn. Well, it didn't go as well as planned.

Firstly, we had a mechanic look at the tractor. He thought it was the fuel pump or maybe the sensor. After pulling out of good sensor, we think we have narrowed it down. He wanted to ride with me to see what it was actually doing. So after the planter was greased, a tire put on the tractor, we were back in the field. Not 100 feet into the round the tractor acted up. So I shifted down to my previous snail pace and chugged along. The mechanic got out, did a couple of things, and it continued to be underpowered. So after our 40 min round (that should take 20 min or less) we took the tractor to the mechanic's shop. Hopefully tomorrow it is done and ready.

Next, we went out into the planted field to check population with the "technical" of the farm. Now the technical is a person generally with a 3 year degree in agronomy. All of GAI's farms have at least one technical to help the farm manager with the agronomy aspects of the farm. We did a couple of samples and our average was just what we were looking for. The seed that we planted Saturday is already emerged, even though we haven't had that much sunshine and rain.

The rest of the day included calibrating the sprayers that just arrived on the farm. These sprayers are called "Jactau". They have 70'ish booms, and I would call it a 400 gallon tank. Anyways, right as we were finishing calibrate the sprayers, more rain decided to fall. Dino was happy because now he knows it's time to roll.

We were having some fun talking to each other on the CBs, making fun of each other. I would make some fun at one of the technicals and all he would say back is that I can't drive the planter straight. It sure makes the day go by faster when this sort of thing happens.

Anyways, I am off to bed in hopes (I have been hoping a lot lately) of a big planting day tomorrow.

from Brazil.........

Signing off...............


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