Monday, November 24, 2008

Sit and wait.........

Written; 11/24/08

Well the last time I blogged we were in the middle of a huge 800 hectare (2,000 acre) field. Well today I am here to tell you that we have about 24 more hours left on that field. We really should be done with it and moved onto soybeans, however I am in Brazil. For some unknown reason to me, we had some sort of mix-up and ran short of corn seed. So, yesterday we were done by noon and basically sat all day until today. I jumped into the land roller to knock out some land with that as we waited for our shipment of mihlo. Mihlo has arrived and we are currently waiting for it to get treated before the other intern heads out for the night. If tonight is a complete go, we will finish corn tomorrow late.

The good news is that the other 3 smaller planters on the farm are going full speed with soybeans. It is really getting crazy here, hardly enough help anymore due to 4 planters needing seed and fertilizer (smaller planters apply fert with the seed due to new ground).

Lately I have been getting a spoon with my meals out in the field. No fork or knife. We are served meat, spaghetti, and rice (unfortunately every, single, day, after day, after day). How am I suppose to eat that with a SPOON. Who does the cook think I am, David Copperfield???

This completion date of December 5th is just around the corner.........

Signing off.............

- Hrubes

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