Friday, November 7, 2008

It's Here

Written: 11/7/08

The day has come. We begin planting tomorrow!! A lot of hours have been put in already for the soil to be primed, planters to be ready, and my patience to run out.

Today was used to put the finishing touches on the planter as well as the tractor on the planter. We even had some time to take the planter out for a little test run out in the field. It rained this morning, so the field was a little sticky. That is why we have put a bullseye on mid-morning tomorrow to " let er' rip".

Today also included some assembly of a piece of equipment that the Brazilians have never seen. Shoot, I have barely seen these in action. GAI has decided to purchase a land roller for their Brazil operation. Our land roller looks like 3 giant drums rolling over the ground. The object in Brazil for this piece of equipment is to push down all the sticks in the field, and to make a perfect bed for our seed. Anyway, it was fun muscling all the pieces around. (Remember, here we have no power tools, no pneumatic tools, or forklifts.) Regardless, we have the whole thing put together and it will be ready to roll tomorrow. (yeah I said the land roller is ready to roll, hilarious I know) I have been having lots of fun with the Brazilian farm laborers since my portuguese has improved. It really makes the days go by faster, and I hope make their days more enjoyable. (tear)

At GAI we are treating all our corn seed this year. Simple does it here, and a cement mixer gets the job done. The Brazilians look like people off of E.T. dressed up in all their gear. E.T was a good movie some time ago.

Alright kids, I am off to bed, it has been a long day. I hope to wake tomorrow, learning of no rain, and be ready to PLANT MILHO!!! (FYI: milho is corn in portuguese)

-Signing off.................

- Hrubes

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