Sunday, November 9, 2008

And were off.......

Written 11/9/08

Today was a pretty good day. We figured out our hydraulic problem (which only involved switching some hoses around), and started calibrating the planter. The planter is a 3 year old new planter. Yeah it sounds wierd but heres the story. This 72' planter use to be just a 24 row/36'' spacing for the last couple of years. Well this offseason since GAI now has a 36 row/36'' spacing planter just for cotton, they decided to convert the 72' to a corn/soybean planter. What this entails is putting another 24 rows in between the existing rows. So we really have a planter half new and half 3 years old. Anyways, we got that calibrated and just before we headed for some more seed, it started to rain. This was what Forest Gump would call "big ol' fat rain" So we quit at about 6 and headed into town.

Tomorrow we will head back and really should get a lot done. No more calibration or little things to dink with. The tractor was having some power issues so we may have to change some filters, in hopes of solving that problem. It's funny, a person cannot really plan in Brazil, because nothing ever seems to go they way they are suppose to. It really sharpens a person's problem solving skills.

Ever since the rain started, the bugs have had a coming out party. They are RIDICULOUS!! You can't keep them off of you. They are more annoying than little brothers. (see Nathan, you aren't THAT bad....... ;) )

Other than that everything is going good. I really hope to get some planting done tomorrow!!!

Signing off..............

- ( a bugged) Hrubes

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