Friday, December 5, 2008

Back in the saddle

Written: 12/5/08

Well the last 2 days have been really good. Yesterday I got started about 11 am and went til about 8, when the rain opened up. At the beginning of the day I had somewhere around 400 acres to do. Day started off really good, and at noon it looked a little gloomy. Luckily I had my spurs on and I planted through the rain. It was raining hard enough at one time that I actually need my windshield wipers. The rain lasted only about 10 minutes, and I was back on track without missing a beat. Towards the end of my shift it looked gloomy again and just sprinkled on me. Good news though, I planted through that and finished the field!!! Only one more field left to go, and it is about 550 hectares (1400 acres). However, this field will be no tilled and it is corn stalks. I am pretty optimistic that we will be able to go 24 hours around the clock if the rain holds out on us. We will have to see if the planter does a good job cutting the stalks at night when they are soggy.

Well 2 weeks from tomorrow I will be back in the United States. I am really looking forward to that, but will miss two things. Dino has been one of the nicest people I have met and we have had a lot of fun together. I am hoping to keep in touch with him somehow. Secondly I am going to miss driving manual vehicles around. It is so much fun!!

Well back to my ruffles potato chips. They really need some chive dip. I will just go to Kum & Go and pick some up.

Brazilian Proverb: The only thing that arrives quickly here is rain.

Signing off.......

- Hrubes

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