Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 Legged Planter

Written: 12/3/2008

Everyone remembers the 3 legged dog running around their neighborhood right?? I know everyone knows what I am talking about. They won't win the county pet show, however they do get the job done right?? Well we have a similar case here, however with a planter. We received a spare tire from another American in the area and fixed it to the planter. So now the planter has one "super single" (type of truck tire) on one side and two original tires on the other. It hobbles like a 3 legged dog, but it does plant.

However after our hassle with the tire problem, we got back to planting. We are full bore on soybeans now with the big 72' and the other 3 smaller planters. Last night however gave us some trouble due to some rain, as well as the whole day today. Sounds like the next 5 days will be like this and then another break in the rain. I only have 6 more days on the farm, and would like to put a good dent in the 800 hectars (2,000 acres) we have left of soybeans to plant with the bauer.

Anyways, things are looking up. We had homemade doughnuts for BREAKFAST!! I almost fainted with excitement. It felt as if I was back in a real country!! HAHA

Signing off............

-Hrubes (full of doughnuts ;) )

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