Saturday, October 25, 2008

Flippin' Dirt

The last couple of nights working have been (knock on wood, which here can be used as a hammer, jack stand, or simply a stool) have been great. Full 12 hour shifts with at least 3 tractors light discing has really been getting things done. We started with 4 at the beginning of the night, but as usual in Brazil one of the discs breaks down. Anyways, with 3 tractors in a field it goes by fast because it actually looks like a person is getting something done. Fazenda (farm) Rondonia is sitting in really good shape to start planting whenever the planter is ready and the rain decides to fall.

It looks like in the next couple of days the other intern and I will be heading back to Fazenda Global to help put together the 108 foot planter. Bauer Built Manufacturing sent down one of their employees to help put 3 planters together ordered by Americans. Since he only speaks English the interns will be in charge of putting this monster together. 108 foot may seem like a weird number to you, but the row spacings are different. Cotton down here is planted on 36 inch centers while soybeans, corn, and popcorn are all planted on 18 inch centers. If you do the math correctly, that is a 36 row, 36 inch planter. Anyways, that's where I will be for probably the next week. So, for the next week I will not be able to communicate with the outside world. So hang on for a week and I will be back on. I know your lives depend on my blog.

So long!!

Signing off........


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