Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, last night was going great until about 4 a.m when I looked behind me only to find no disc. Haha! I almost had one full shift!! Well the farm-made hitch pin did not hold up to my 10th gear speed across the semi-smooth field. So at 4 a.m I just drove the tractor back to the farm. I think this breaking spree deserves a song and it goes a little like this; "this is the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friends". Wow, Lambchops was a great show back in the day!!!

Today Michael and I head back to LEM for the weekend and then to another 2 farms for two weeks. Dino also happens to be in LEM tonight and he wants to go out for some drinks with Michael and I. This sounds like a great idea in hopes to meet some more people and keep advancing my portuguese. I am also hoping for a dip in Tyler's new pool and hot tub. Last night while oiling and greasing the disc I decided to knee the disc and it didn't want to move. So I am not walking straight at the moment.

Anyways, I am not sure when the next time I will be on here because I am not sure the next farms have internet. (I'm crossing my fingers) So everyone be safe and cheer on those Cyclones!!!

Off to buy more cookies at the store!!! Yummm

Signing off..........

-(a limping) Hrubes

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