Friday, October 3, 2008

American misfortune continues on Brazilian soil

Well so much for not breaking anything. Last night I was only a couple of hours into my night shift when I noticed something wrong with the light disc. Well it turns out a spindle broke on this disc as well. Seems like nothing will go right for us Americans down here. Luckily for me, the diesel man was right there to save me and whisk me back to the farm on a half hour cab-less tractor ride. Luckily it was another beautiful night here in Bahia with all the stars shining brightly. Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend to go on tractor rides at night down here. Wait a minute, I actually wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. Having a girlfriend that is.

Anyways, so last night I had again some time on my hands to get sleep. Today I had the opportunity to help grid soil sample one of the lotes (fields). One sample for every 2.5 acres or 1 hectare, and the fields are no 80 acres like back home.

Dino and I are really starting to become good buds, and I am having a lot of fun. Unfortunately for the next two weeks I will be working at the other 2 farms to get to know those farm managers before I come back to Rondonia to help Dino plant the crops.

Well back to work, one more night shift before I head to LEM tomorrow. Hope nothing breaks!!!

Signing off.......


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