Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Family, friends, past co-workers, students, & faculty, this fall I have decided again to take a break from school, this time to journey far beyond Illinois and Iowa, but to BRAZIL!!! Since the first time this opportunity came to me, I knew I wanted to partake. Yes, it would prolong my graduation date once again, but also it will provide me with a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I will be working for Global Ag Investments ( )down in Brazil in the state of Bahia. 5 interns as well as I have been asked to come down and help with the planting of almost 50,000 acres of soybeans, corn, cotton, and popcorn. While there, I plan to soak in the culture, learn about Brazilian agriculture, and see as much as possible!!
Feel free to comment on pictures and posts, it will be fun and exciting!!!

I will try to update the blog as frequent as possible with pictures and posts. Here we go and happy reading!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Sure am glad someone forwarded me your email! Congratulations, good luck and happy travels. I will definitely be following your journey. Have a great time and I look forward to hearing more from Brazil!

Take care,

Jess (Grandfield) Reis